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tv   The Last Word  MSNBC  June 27, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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yo your service and we've got your back online. but just having new orleans officially become the city of yes, whichç it has always beenn the world and now is online, honestly, best new thing in the world today, and having been part of it, even bester. that does it for us tonight. we'll see you again tomorrow night. tomorrow will be a huge day in news. you'll want to be on msnbc pretty much all day tomorrow. supreme court ruling expected at 10:00 a.m. now it's time for "the last word with lawrence o'donnell." have a great night. tonight, no democrats are complaining anymore about team obama using bain capital against mitt romney, because it's working. >> the american people understand, we're not going to make progress by going backwards. we need to go forwards. >> this morning, we've got a new poll. >> a new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll. >> the new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll -- >> where it's all about swing states and the base. >> president obama is ahead, 47 to 34%. >> mitt romney can not get over
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that hump. >> his negative rating is back to his all-time high of 39%. >> what matters is the margin in those swing states. >> do you watch those swing states. >> colorado, florida, michigan. new hampshire, new mexico, north carolina. >> in those states, the president has widened his lead to eight points. >> 50 to 42%. >> the president is doing quite well. >> everybody thought mitt romney had a great june. according to this poll, he didn't have a great june. >> that's just like your opinion, man. >> excuse me, dude, i just want to point out, that is the nbc news/"wall street journal" poll. >> there's a new quin penipiac l out this morning. >> the quinnipiac poll out this morning shows the president pulling qhead in ohio. in pennsylvania, the president tops romney 45 to 39%. down in florida, the president edges romney with a four- point lead. >> we're going to win in virginia. we're going to win in november! >> let's finish what we started! let's remind the world! >> thank you for your help!
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we're going to get the job done! >> remind them why america is the greatest nation on earth! >> today we celebrate our independence day! as if trying to beat president obama in the presidential campaign isn't hard enough for team romney, the romney guys decided they have enough time on their hands to also wage war with "the washington post," according to a report in politico at 2:00 p.m. today, romney campaign representatives met with "washington post" editors to demand a retraction of this story that ran in "the post" on friday. "romney's bain capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas." by the time the romney campaign guys found themselves sitting
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with "washington post" editors today, they had already proved themselves to be the worst, most habitual liars in the modern history of presidential campaigning. and in what must have been a big surprise to the campaign ofç lies, "the washington post" refused to retract one word of the story. "we are very confident in our reporting," a spokesperson said. so am i. i mean, confident in "the washington post" reporting. the romney campaign's misguided, naive, and completely unprofessional attempt to bully "the washington post" has only surveyed to bring even more much-deserved attention to the romney outsourcing story. >> the romney campaign has responded, i think yesterday, by saying, we don't understand the
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difference between offshoring and outsourcing. okay. okay. if you're looking for work, that's a pretty cruel joke. i can picture one guy, in my old neighborhood, standing next to another guy in the unemployment line saying, hey, john, did you get offshored or outsourced? >> and we now have evidence that the obama campaign attack on mitt romney's methods of sel self-enrichment is working. president obama leads in three swing states where the obama campaign has been running its ads against romney and bain capital. according to a new quinnipiac poll of registered voters today, among florida voters.ç presiden obama leads mitt romney 45 to 41%. among ohio voters, president obama leads mitt romney 47 to
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38%. and how important is ohio to mitt romney? no republican, no republican, has ever won the presidency without ohio. among pennsylvania voters, president obama leads mitt romney 45 to 39%. no candidate has won the presidency since 1960 without winning at least two of those three states. today the romney campaign used a youtube video to defend romney's record at bain, featuring a vice president of a steel company that bain took over. >> we started talking to anybody we could. we finally got some of the bain people together, presented, here's what we envisioned. we were really interested in kind of creating a company that could sustain itself. so bain came in and we did it. and did it all work out?
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no. did we make a difference? i think we made a big difference. there's in vampire story that bain comes in and shows its teeth and sucks the blood out of the operation. it was really entirely the opposite of that. we went looking for a blood donor. >> the romney campaign removed that video from youtube not long after they çposted. the hopeless dreamers of the "last word" staff contacted the romney campaign for an explanation as to why they were in favor of this video before they were against it, and of course, the hopeless dreamers of the "last word" staff have received no response from the romney campaign. joining me now from new york are co-hosts of msnbc's "the cycle," krystal ball and steve kornacki, and from cleveland, ohio, connie schultz. connie, let me start with you. in ohio, no republican has ever won your state, never won the
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presidency without winning your state. couldn't be more important. the president has a lead in ohio that is beyond the margin of error. what is working in ohio for the president? >> well, it was interesting to listen to that ad just now. i haven't seen it, the youtube ad they pulled. because the first thing i was thinking, where are the workers telling the story? in ohio, this is really a story about workers. people trying to get work -- people getting work, and the auto rescue in ohio has made a tremendous difference in ohio. you know, i, right now, i just bought a chevy cruz, which is made in lordstown, lordstown, which was a ghost town, is now operating on three shifts. the car is made in ohio. all four maine auto companies are increasing their investments and there are expansions in ohio. we have a new steel mill opening up in youngstown soon. i never want to say all is well, because there are still so many people looking for work, but we are really seeing a change in ç ohio, and that is really working
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for the president. >> krystal and steve, i'll let you both take a guess as to why the romney campaign pulled down that video from youtube. now, mine is that as much as they like that message, that whole thing about, you know, the vampire stuff, that's really -- they'd rather not hear their defenders raise that imagery. and also, i suspect there's probably some fact problems with what's in that video. >> well, i think that's right. and i think, also, somebody at some point was like, okay, you're really going to send the executive out -- >> exactly. >> -- to make the case for the romney campaign? >> right. >> i mean, that says it all, that it made it as far as youtube, that the romney campaign thought that this was a good idea, that getting the executive to tell the story of mitt romney was the right idea. it sort of says it all about their approach to this campaign. >> steve, go ahead. >> i was going to say, the interesting thing to me is that mitt romney before this campaign has run in two general elections
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before and the bain thing has been in both against him. in 1994, bain seemed to be very effective. in 2002, he ran for governor of massachusetts and he won and bain didn't seem to be effective. there's been this debate, which of those models holds occupy this year. as i'm thinking back, first of all starting to see it work now, and thinking back, why did it work in '94, why did it nod work in 2002? in 2002, he was coming straight from the &h(lc% he was being hailed as this national hero, being hailed as the guy who saved america's winter olympic games, straight back to massachusetts. so people did not see him in the context of the businessman. they saw him in the context of the olympics. that was not the case in '94 and it's not the case now. we're not talking about mitt romney the olympic guy, we're talking about mitt romney, the businessman. we are starting to see some evidence that it's working and i think it might be because he's primarily seen as a businessman, just like he was in that first
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campaign. >> and lawrence, i think the obama campaign has been very smart about taking a state-by-state approach, because i don't think that the bain capital attacks work as well everywhere in the country. but i think in ohio, i think in pennsylvania, i think also in florida, in states where they have seen the bain story firsthand, polling shows that it is very effective. so i think you can expect to see it continue. >> i want to show joe biden on this. because i've watched him a long time, and i've got to say, the biden going after bain and the way romney made his money and the way romney handles his money now with offshore accounts and all that stuff, is just -- it's kind of the easiest target i've ever seen joe biden go after. let's listen to him today in iowa. >> romney called the president out of touch? i mean, did you ever think that you'd have a choice between voting for a president who had a swiss bank account and one who
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didn't? >> connie schultz, youç workedt the cleveland plain dealer for a long time and have been covering politics for a long time in ohio. did you ever think a presidential candidate would come to ohio with a swiss bank account? >> well, let's put it this way. it's been a form of entertainment in a way, because when you look at what matters to people in ohio, i remember -- remember the nascar thing? when he said, i do too know nascar, i know a couple of owners of that. that's what that youtube video sounded like that to me again. they are -- it's not just that romney's tone deaf, i don't know who's working for him. i don't know -- i wonder if they're ever touching the ground in ohio and talking to people who are working in ohio. i think there's no coincidence whatsoever that this is helping the president. and the president has also been enforcing trade agreements, which is why we have the new steel plant going in in youngstown. there are things that are happening in ohio that will make a huge difference for him.
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and he has smart. he and the first lady have been talking more recently about their own more humble roots. especially with the first lady, talking about having an early life that really echoes what a lot of us dpru up with. i was the first in my family to go to college. so he's closing the distance with voters in a way that romney can never hope to achieve. >> connie, you are the first lady of the distinguished senator from ohio, sherrod brown, your husband. and i raise that simply because he's doing very, very well himself in the polls in ohio and he doesn't have his own bain capital to run against. what are the lessons of a sherrodç brown campaign and sherrod brown favorability ratings in ohio that he has earned that the president should be taking notes from your husband on and learning from? >> well, sherrod and i, it's no secret we're both real progressives and we knew this in '06 that you can run as the progressive in the state of ohio and sherrod won by almost 13
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points in '06. our argument always was, when you talking progressive values, you're really talking about the values of most americans. you're talking about access to health care, affordable health care. you're talking about the right to a living wage and to collectively bargain. and don't forget, we had that whole sb-5 thing, similar to wisconsin, except we won. it was a referendum vote. and that i think really was a big change in terms of the confidence level of workers in ohio. because that was defeated, it was a huge defeat for the republicans. and we're riding that wave, i think. we can't discount the effect that is having also in this campaign. >> i don't know. what does sherrod brown know? he's only running 16 points ahead of his republican challenger in ohio. >> and can i just say, all the money they've spent against him, you know, sherrod is number one target. i think it's eight to one right now with outside money, and i'm really proud of ohio this week, that it's clear that they're not buying -- you know, politifact keeps saying these are lies, and yet they keep putting it up
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anyway. so it's been a good week in ohio. >> listen, i think his candidacy and his place in the political spectrum is a fascinating example of exactly what progressives can achieve by talking çstraight. krystal ballcki of msnbc's "the cycle," the new stars of daytime, and connie schultz, thank you all very much for joining me tonight. >> thanks, lawrence. coming up, we can only be certain of one thing tomorrow, just one thing, there will be outrage, no matter how the supreme court rules, the ruling will be greeted with howls of protests, but for millions of americans, the ruling will mean absolutely nothing. nothing. ly explain who those americans are and why it really does mean nothing to them in tonight's "rewrite." it's very important to understand
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how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies.
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court rules on health care in america. i'll be joined by two people who witnessed the supreme court arguments who will tell us what they expect this court to say tomorrow. and in the "rewrite," i'll explain what won't change in our health care system tomorrow, no matter how the supreme court rules. and why there will be no outrage about that. and why there should be. that's coming up. [ morgan ] right now when you use your visa card, you're entered for a chance to win a trip to the olympic games for life. to cheer the summer athletes to new heights, starting in 2016... as you experience every moment, every emotion, every four years...
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for the rest of your life. visa. supporting athletes and the olympic games for 25 years. people everywhere go with visa. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] not everything powerful has to guzzle fuel. the 2012 e-class bluetec from mercedes-benz. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. it used to be that experience ruled in political analysis. the longer you were in politics, the more you knew.
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now experience means nothing, because the american electorate is changing too fast for us poor pundits to keep up with it. a new article in the "national journal" points out that if president obama faced an electorate with the same racial and ethnic composition of the 1980s, president obama would have lost the 2008 election. joining me now, alicia menendez, the host of huff post live and professor of science at emory university. professor, you have studied this demographic change that occurred in the electorate. you went over this exit poll data and all this information for the "national journal" in putting that article together. what are the big changes between now and say the reagan era on who is going to the polls in american and voting? >> well, i think the biggest change, by far, has been the dramatic increase in the
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percentage of non-white voters. just since 1992, actually, the percentage of non-whites with within the electorate and 2008 doubles. it went from 13% to 26%. another change has been a change in education levels, so we have fewer voters now with only a high school education and more college graduates and more with a post-college education. but certainly, the racial transformation of the american electorate is really the big story, and it's an ongoing story. it is one that's almost certainly going to continue for the foreseeable future. >> alicia menendez, the question was always for pundits not so long ago. what's it like to have a beer with this guy, and they always imagine that beer to take place in some sort of very irish-looking bar in my neighborhood in boston, with a
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very, you know, ethnically, you know, singular group. that ability to sit down in that kind of bar is no longer all that useful out there on the campaign trail, it seems. >> no, now you're having one with the fastest growing demographic in the country. and you look at someone like george bush, who was able to win 44% of the latino vote. that then dropped to 31% with john mccain. we now see in some of these polls with mitt romney only polling at 14% with latino voters. so as the country has changed, so too as the republican party. and it has changed in the wrong direction. this is a dynamic electorate. it's a growing electorate. if you had george bush at 44%, if romney was able to meet those numbers, he would be doing incredibly well with hispanics and it would actually put him at margins of victories in a lot of
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states, but instead he's having a very big problem with this demographic, in large part because the republican primary has made it very difficult to go into the general electorate and be palatable to a general electorate that is now much more diverse. >> professor abramowitz, the numbers that you've studied are exactly the kind of thing that karl rove was a master of studying and probably still is. and he, within the republican party, has privately and semi-publicly been sounding the alarm about what's happening to the republican message, among the voters that alicia was just talking about. is that what you found looking into these numbers? that the republican party and the republican presidential candidates have plenty of reason to be worried, given where they are on the issues? >> absolutely. what we've seen over several decades, not just this year, is that as the non-white share of the electorate and particularly the latino share of the
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electorate has grown, the democratic party has been absorbing the vast majority of these non-white voters. and the republican party has remained an overwhelmingly white party. and that is a very dangerous place to be in a country that's becoming increasingly diverse. and i don't see anything going on this year that's going to change that the trend. >> and alicia, the latino vote seems to be one group left in our politics, anyway, that believes in government's ability to do hinthings. a gallup poll shows that 66% of latino voters believe that the government should do more to solve the country's problems versus 35% who believe that it should do less. and of course, the republican position is that the government should do less. >> and when you look at additional polling, i think what's most entrusting, if you hone down, it's really those young latinos, 18 to 29, they are the fastest growing subset
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of both the youth electorate and the hispanic electorate and they are overwhelmingly believe that is the government's role. so going not some into this election, but elections to follow for the next 20 years, they are going to play a critical role. >> alisa menendez and adam abramowitz, thank you both for joining me tonight. and coming up, we'll get predictions from two people who witnessed the supreme court arguments on the affordable care act. they'll tell us what they think the court will say tomorrow. and in the "rewrite," i'll remind you of something democrats have forgotten about health care reform and tell you what won't change in our health care system tomorrow, no matter what the supreme court says. that's coming up. if we took tha and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... ...advanced headlights... ...and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. ♪ introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima.
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you can sleep a little late tomorrow and still catch live coverage of the health care decision at 10:00 a.m. two experts will join me to tell us what they expect to supreme court to say tomorrow. and in the "rewrite," i'll tell you what won't change no matter what the supreme court says tomorrow. and "the daily show" is here tonight in the form of emmy-winning daily show writer kevin blooir, who will tell us who america wants in the white house if, and some would say when, we are invaded by space aliens. and kevin actually has a poll to prove who america wants to defend us against an alien invasion.
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no, no, for real. after romney, has been president for four years. >> in the spotlight tonight, the supreme court. that was the vice president today, citing the "last word's" official number one reason vo voting for president, the selection of supreme court justices. team obama knows this is the week to focus voters' attention on the supreme court. monday the supreme court issued an historic ruling, crushing the un-american and unconstitutional law enacted in arizona that would have allowed arizona police to stop anyone, anywhere, and demand to see their papers. and tomorrow the court will issue what some believe is an even more important ruling on health care in america. >> very clear a that big decision is coming tomorrow for the supreme court. my guess is they're not sleeping real well at the white house tonight. >> no matter what happens tomorrow, the republicans have a
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plan. >> if the court does not strike down the entire law, the house will move to repeal what's left of it. >> now, um, i got a call from speaker boehner last friday who -- i mean, he was calling a lot of people -- yeah, he called me first, yes, yes, he called me. but he was calling a lot of people, and he was telling us what the republican plan is, and it was repeal, repeal, repeal. regardless of what happens. the mandate's thrown out, repeal the rest of it. if the whole thing is upheld, repeal it. if the whole thing's deemed unconstitutional, repeal that. he made it clear that repeal, and not repeal and replace, but repeal with was going to be the focal point for the house republicans.
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>> so john boehner's call list begins with rush limbaugh and apparently mitt romney is very far down that list. it sounds like as of today, romney hasn't heard the boehner repeal everything and replace nothing plan. >> and so if the court upholds it, if they say, look, it passes the constitution, it still is bad policy, and that will mean if i'm elected, we are going to repeal it and replace it. and if, on the other hand, the court strikes it down, they're going to be doing some of my work for me. i won't have repeal it, but i'll have to replace it, and i will. >> joining me now are jonathan cohn of the new republic and author of the book, "sick: the untold story of america's health care crisis and the people who pay the price" and walter dillinger, a former acting solicitor general under president clinton. he also served in the justice department and has more recently filed a brief on behalf of the democratic leadership in the house and senate defending the
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affordable care act. gentleman, you both were in the session of supreme court while the arguments were going on. walter dilli ingdillinger, tell you think the court is going to rule tomorrow. >> lawrence, first of all, i don't know. >> okay, let's start there, and now -- okay, get that out of the way. now let's go on and predict it. >> okay. if i had to guess, i think the court's going to uphold it 6-3. the chief justice writing the opinion. and the reason is, this is a simple question of whether this law is within the subject matter scope of a regulation of commerce. and it regulates 1/6 or 7th of the national economy. and second, if they were to hold the mandate valid, which is really just an incentive to have insurance coverage, there's no telling how much of the law unravels. and this is a law nor a hundred million americans, they don't have to worry about the caps on
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the amount of insurance they can. for 50 million americans, it means better access to preventative care like mammograms and birth control. for millions of young people, it means they can stay on their family's health insurance pol y policies until they're 26. for 5 million people, it means they don't have to worry about the doughnut hole. and for everybody it means you can't be turned down because of pre-existing conditions or have your rates raised if you have a child born with a birth defect. it would be an enormous und undertaking for five men to pull down such an enormous bill on such a flimsy basis, in my view. >> jonathan cohn, your prediction for tomorrow. you can start with "i don't know" and go ahead with your actual prediction. >> i'm going to copy walter on that, since he's actually a law professor and i'm not. but i think like a lot of people after the arizona decision, i'm feeling a little more optimistic. you know, the oral arguments during the arizona case look like they went very badly for
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the government. and lo and behold, the decision came out, and it turns out at least on that decision, chief justice roberts and anthony kennedy are not as crazy as justice scalia. maybe that's a sign. maybe that's an indication that when we get to health care reform, you know, sitting in that courtroom, there were a lot of very hard questions asked. but at the end of the day, those two may be thinking, do we really want to go there? do we really want to take this radical step? do we want to be responsible for telling 30 million americans, hey, you don't get to have health insurance? you know, i would like to think they wouldn't do that. and after monday, i'm a little more optimistic they won't. >> walter -- >> there was another tea leaf on monday, lawrence, that linda greenhouse astutely noted. chief justice roberts dissented from the decision, striking down the laws that allowed juveniles to be held for life in prison without parole.
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and he chose to make his dissent about his need to defer to the judgments made by the legislative branches of the government. that was the theme of his dissent. the cases was argued in the same sitting as the health care case. i can't believe he would set himself up knowing the two decisions were coming down this week to be quoted back against himself. i thought that was quite revealing. >> okay, gentleman, the video of this segment is going to be on our website forever for people to see, whether the night before you called it right in the supreme court. jonathan cohan and walter dilling engineer, thank you very much for joining me tonight. >> thank you, lawrence. you will not want to miss "the last word" tomorrow night on this big decision. among my exclusive guests, michael moore, the director of "sicko," and house democratic whip steny hoyer will join us. full analysis of the supreme court's ruling on the affordable care act on tomorrow's "last word." but no matter what happens tomorrow at the supreme court,
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whether the act is upheld or overturned, some things won't change. i'll tell you what those things are, next in the "rewrite." and later, the important reasons to vote for a presidential candidate. how they'll handle the economy, of course, the supreme court, as i always say, how they'll handle foreign policy. and now, how they'll handle an invasion from outer space. the man you'd trust with your life if the klingons showed up. "the daily show" is here to tell us who's the birth date best president in the case of an alien invasion. and corrects for wheel slip. we imagined a vehicle that can increase emergency braking power when you need it most. and we imagined it looking like nothing else on the road today. then...we built it. the 2012 glk. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services.
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where you got your cut rate car insurance, it might not replace all this. [ electricity crackling ] [ gasping ] so get allstate. you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ dennis ] mayhem is everywhere. so get an allstate agent. are you in good hands? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. wow, that feels really good! once you experience it, there's no going back. hurry in now for our lowest prices of the season. save $300 to $1000 on selected sleep number bed sets. sale ends july 8th. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. hey. hey eddie. i brought your stuff. you don't have to do this. yes i do. i want you to keep this. it'd be weird. take care. you too. [ sighs ]
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so how did it go? he's upset. [ male announcer ] spend less time at gas stations. with best in class fuel economy. it's our most innovative altima ever. ♪ we are now less than 12 hours away from knowing if the united states supreme court will "rewrite" health care law in america. we don't know what the supreme court is going to say tomorrow, in which will be one of the most important rulings in the court's history, and the second most important supreme court ruling in cable news history, the most important ruling being who would be the next president of the united states. we are guaranteed of only one thing tomorrow. there will be outrage if the supreme court does nothing, there will be republican outrage, culminating in the cry, this is why we need a romney
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presidency, to repeal obama care. if the supreme court tlous out the individual mandate or the entire law, there will be democratic party outrage. and all of the outrage, democrat or republican, will be heard on cable news shows. here's who will not be outraged tomorrow, no matter what happens. the 26 million people who will remain without health insurance, even if the so-called affordable care act stays in place. no matter what happens tomorrow, health care will still not be affordable in this country for 26 million people. those people were written out of the bill at the start by the democrats, who never really tried to provide universal coverage. but democrats universally referred to their bill as universal coverage. >> and if you believe that we need health care for all
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americans, we will pass the bill and we will pass the bill. >> all americans? speaker pelosi kept saying it would cover everyone. the president kept saying it would cover everyone. but that was never true. the bill the president signed into law as we all know a highly compromised bill, dropping universal coverage on day one was the single biggs compromise, but because it happened on day one, almost no one noticed. then came the many months' saga of the public option. unfortunately, it fell to me to be the first on msnbc to predict that there would be no public option. i said on september 8th, 2009, "nancy pelosi firmly believes that when the moment comes, she can gather her caucus together and tell them that she fought harder for the public option than barack obama did, than harry reid did, than any senator did. no one fought harder for it than
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nancy pelosi, and she is now telling her troops, they're going to have to go forward without it. that moment is going to come home." no one told me inside nancy pelosi world that that's what was happening. i could see that was what was happening from where i was sitting. after i said that in 2009, an endless stream of democratic members of congress streamed through msnbc for months, insisting there would be a public option, and most of them insisting that they would not support a bill that did not have a public option. >> senator chuck schumer of new york, he's a democrat and a strong advocate for the public option. he says it still has life. >> you're going to have competition. we are going to make sure that there are regulations and we are going to make sure that the american people aren't gouged. every single time we've tried to do something like competition, no, we can't withstand
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competition. we can't have that. enough of the phoniness. we are going to involve this problem because for years our republican friends have been unable to and one willing to. deal with it. >> and then, of course, the democrats did exactly what they said they were going to do. >> the bill is passed. do you remember how you felt about the health care bill when you watched the democratic congress walk away from the public option after nancy pelosi promised they would never do that? >> i would also express concern that if congress goes along with so-called solutions that the insurance industry says it is bringing to the table and if it fails to provide a public insurance option, the bill might as well be called the insurance
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industry profit protection and enhancement act. >> that was wendell potter, frequent guest on msnbc at the time, articulating what many of us believed. and then a funny thing happened on the way to passing the insurance industry profit protection and enhancement act. many members of congress who swore they would vote against it got in line to vote for it, including some who in the past could be relied on to hold the honorable ground to the left of the democratic party. >> i told the president twice, in two different meetings, that i couldn't support the bill if it didn't have a robust public option. can we just get a no there, congressman? will you vote against the senate bill? >> if that sounded like a no, then you're correct. >> in that same week dennis kucinich told me that on msnbc, he switched from a no to a yes.
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dennis kucinich was one of the last who agreed to vote for the affordable health care act that he knew would leave health care unaffordable for 26 million people. dennis kucinich knew how to help those 26 million people and everyone else. he knew the right reform was to open medicare for all. medicare is a system that works, medicare is a system that is popular. medicare is far more efficient than for-profit health insurance. dennis kucinich knew that medicare is the only real answer, the only complete answer to america's health care coverage crisis, but he knew he wasn't going to get a chance to vote for medicare for all, and so he did what i probably would have done in his place and voted for a highly compromised bill that he knew was the best he could get at that time. dennis kucinich and other liberal members of the democratic caucus in the end made the calculation that the bill was better than nothing. better than nothing. dennis kucinich didn't get
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brainwashed in the process. he didn't become a mindless cheerleader for a highly compromised bill. he never forgot the 26 million people who were going to be left behind without a plan to ever provide coverage for them. but many democrats did. they pretended they passed a universal coverage bill and as the law continued to be criticized, democrats pretended they passed a perfect bill. no legislation is ever perfect. it can never be perfect. all legislation is the product of compromise. the affordable care act is indescribely complex, even for experts. no one can recite to you the 15 taxes in the bill without checking the list. there isn't a nonexpert out there who knows the full mix of ways in which the bill tries to provide health care coverage for expanding medicaid, expanding the c.h.i.p. program, providing
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government subsidies to purchase health insurance for some people. no one knows how much those subsidies are, not even the experts. no one knows what the fines are and the enforcement for the individual mandate. none of those things are known by american voters, none of them. but virtually every american voter is related to or knows someone on medicare. someone who can explain medicare to them at their own kitchen table. virtually all of us have someone in our own family who can passionately and explicitly and substantively explain medicare to us, because so many of those people are alive today thanks to medicare. almost all of the outrage you will hear tomorrow will be from people who do not know and cannot know and cannot explain what is really in the affordable
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care act. but if ignorance could inhibit public outrage, we would be a much quieter country. no matter what the supreme court rules tomorrow, millions of americans will still go into bankruptcy over health care bill. millions of americans will still lose their homes because of health care bills. and millions of americans will have illnesses that go untreated. and no one on cable news is outraged over that tonight. hmms helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...but you still have to go to the gym. what happens when classroom teachers get the training... ...and support they need? schools flourish and students blossom.
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that's why programs like... ...the mickelson exxonmobil teachers academy... ...and astronaut sally ride's science academy are helping our educators improve student success in math and science. let's shoot for the stars. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this. thought they were dead. huh? [ male announcer ] should've used roundup. it kills weeds to the root, so they don't come back. roundup. no root. no weed. no problem.
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with two times the points on dining in restaurants, you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred.
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paul krugman told chris hayes that he thinks nothing short of an alien invasion could
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get congress united to do the right thing for the economy and the country and invest in infrastructure spending. >> so if we can get something that will cause the government to say, oh, never mind those budget things, let's just spend and do a bunch of stuff, so my fake threat of space aliens is the other route. >> and who would americans want in the white house if we faced an alien invasion? according to a new "national geographic" channel poll, 65% of americans would pick president obama to deal with the planet being threatened in such a situation, and they would pick him over mitt romney. that same poll found 80 million americans are certain ufos exist and 79% think the government have kept information about ufos secret. last november, the white house was forced by that 79% to respond to a public petition asking for more information on extraterrestrial life. they released a statement saying, "the u.s. government has
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no evidence that any life exists outside our planet or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. in addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye." but that was before mitt romney said this -- >> i read the article on the aircraft. as i read the article, i want to make it very clear, i repudiate that effort. garrett, would you see that one of those chocolate -- one of those chocolate goodies finds its way into our lives. i met a guy yesterday, 7 feet tall. yeah, handsome, great, big guy, 7 feet tall. name is rick miller, portland, oregon. and he started a business. i -- of course, you know, was in basketball -- but it wasn't in basketball. i figured he had to be in sport, but he wasn't in sport.
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>> joining me now is "the last word's" senior ufo analyst, kevin bleyer. he is also an emmy-winning writer for the "daily show" and author of "me the people: one man's selfless quest to rewrite the constitution of america" a very funny book that i might just read. i have the book, kevin, i failed to open it, but next time. kevin, romney's the proof, right, case closed? >> it's official, area 51 will soon be a swing state, unfortunately. and certainly when "national geographic" asks such an absurd question, we have no choice but to take it deadly seriously. this is, after all, an election season. >> now, just a minute. comedy central is now in the business of judging what the absurd questions are? i beg your pardon. >> i do think it's impossible not to note that despite your evidence, mitt romney might have been addressing this. if you really look at it, both
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candidates have been strangely silent on this issue. the american people deserve better, that is to say, if the american people are people, we don't know. >> you know, president obama was actually asked this when he was a candidate for president. when he became president, if he found that there was secret information, would he release it, and he said it depended on whether the extraterrestrial life were democrats or republicans. >> the real question is not whether the aliens will invade, the real question is when the aliens invade, when they land, will president obama require that they be part of the individual mandate? we'll find out tomorrow. then the question becomes, would a president romney in fact repeal i don't even know what to call it then, obamaliencare? we cannot trust the supreme court on this issue, because i would say at least two of them are aliens. i've seen "men in black." i know how this works. >> and you know scalia. >>